This year we discovered a new item for creation and intentions. It is invented by a Dutch man Luc van der Lee. He made a zero-point coil that creates a zeropoint energy field. The coil can be used for all your intentions. It is called a Caduceus. We decided to start experimenting and producing them for the sake of everybody. And in the course of lots of trials in many month, we found out we can do much more then
We also wanted to give it something extra. Something to put inside the coil, so the energyfield that was created would have all the good frequenties for ascension and perfect health and balance. And we managed to do so. It is a small size card with all the frequenties for a perfect health and also ascension to a higher level of conciousness. All on one card.
Almost everybody can experience this, just to be around the coil or holding a small one in your hand. If you concentrate and feel what happens with you, you can sense the vibrations of the energy. You can feel universal love. You can feel a shifting of energy and the boast it gives to your energy.
It makes you get in touch with your own inner center, your own zeropoint.
It speeds up everything.
I never exper
I felt all my chakra's open up and the energy pouring in. And of course it cleans everything and transforms everything that blocks your energyflow.
We put some safety on the card so you get only what you need and what yo can handle.
What is also important is that the Caduceus works better when you focus regularly on the Caduceus and you have your intentions right. Twice a day a little meditation, holding the caduceus in your hand or put it somewhere in your room and focus on it. And it makes the field stronger. And the Caduceus tunes in in your system, so you always get what you need and intent.
We are soon planning some afternoons and/or evenings for people to experience the caduceus and meditate with it. We let you know. Watch this weblog. An internet website is on the way.
If you are interested and should want some more information or get a Caduceus for yourself contact me:
email: thebindusociety@gmail.com
For a meditation on the All Healing Light Click:
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